[Infographic] Scary statistics about mobile addiction

Mobile phone addiction is a serious problem for all ages in our time. In modern life, mobile phones are gradually becoming a mandatory body of each person.

Mobile "addiction" is a serious problem for all ages in our time. In modern life, mobile phones are gradually becoming a mandatory body of each person. According to global statistics, there are currently more than 2 billion people with and using smartphones. The average person checks the phone 110 times a day.

Indeed, smartphones are an entertainment medium and help us update information very quickly. But the problem is that many people have "addicted" to mobile phones, especially "burying themselves" in applications such as gaming, online betting and using social networks. This "addiction" is strongly evaluated as smoking, drugs or alcohol. Despite the fact that mobile phones offer great opportunities, depending on the phone has a lot of harmful effects. Below is an infographic that presents 15 scary statistics about mobile addiction that Quantrimang has compiled. Invites you to read the track.

[Infographic] Scary statistics about mobile addiction Picture 1[Infographic] Scary statistics about mobile addiction Picture 1


  1. A normal person will check his phone 110 times a day.
  2. 40% of people use phones . in toilets.
  3. 12% of adults use their phones while bathing.
  4. 1 in 5 people aged 18-34 are using the phone during "XXX".
  5. 56% of users check their phones before sleeping.
  6. 61% go to bed and put the phone under the pillow or right next to him.
  7. 75% of users will check the phone after waking up.
  8. 77% of parents and children have had "debates" about using smartphones.
  9. 50% feel extremely uncomfortable when they leave the phone.
  10. 50% of teens admit that they are addicted to smartphones very early.
  11. 40% of users spend the whole weekend just to "live" with this "friend".
  12. 44% still work via email during their vacation.
  13. 26% of traffic accidents are the result of using the phone.
  14. 75% admit they will immediately check and reply to the message while driving.
  15. 56% of parents used a phone while driving with young children.
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